Latimer’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) will be holding its first meeting on Thursday, September 28rd in person. The ELAC committee’s focus will be to assess, discuss, and review the program options for our English Language (EL) learners. Another purpose of ELAC is to create an open communication line between our EL parents and our school staff to help ensure the academic success of all learners. There are four meetings scheduled for the 2023-2024 school year: All are welcome, so please join us and learn about all the wonderful things that are happening in our classrooms to help meet the needs of our second language learners. If you are interested in serving on the Latimer ELAC committee or if you have any questions, please contact Jenna Naylor at [email protected] or 874- 3606 for Spanish contact Maria Garcia at [email protected] or 874-3603. Meetings will be held in English and Spanish!